Shady AliExpress store selling NES carts of my slasher games 🤣

Somebody in China on AliExpress (unbeknownst to me) is selling my free fan made NES slasher games. I would never sell them because of copyright issues, but if you want physical copies dirt cheap. Get 'em while you can. Here are the links:

Friday the 13th: Return to Camp Blood (1998)

Halloween: October 31st (1999)

A Nightmare on Elm Street: Son of a Hundred Maniacs (1999)

Candyman: Be My Victim (2006)

Get (NES) 8-Bit Slasher 4-in-1 Horror Demakes


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hahahah they got me good! But I see it as more eyes on my games. So at least there’s that!